Take Control of your Day, Setting up a Daily Routine will Lead to Ultimate Success

Experis Blog   Setting Up Daily Routine
05 May 2023 by Orlaith O'Mahony
Personal Development Success Routine Upskilling

Take Control of Your Day, Setting up a Daily Routine will lead to Ultimate Success

4 Daily Actions to Set Yourself Up for Success

Successful people have figured out how to create a daily routine and stick to it. That routine can help them start their day with a clear mindset, better focus, and increased productivity.  

Work/life integration expert Stew Friedman explains the benefits of a morning routine. “Research shows that after you take a mental time-out, you are better at creative thinking and coming up with solutions and new ideas, and you feel more content." That’s a win/win all around. 

From starting the day by setting boundaries with technology to making time to learn new skills and finding moments for self-care – here are some of the best strategies successful people use to set up their routines for success every day. 

1. Establish Boundaries With Technology
Before you reach for your device, take some time to focus on yourself first. Starting the day with a little “me time” can clear your mind so you can start your day refreshed, energized and prepared for whatever lies ahead. Some people use the first minutes of their day to meditate or practice mindfulness, like Arianna Huffington, of Thrive Global. She practices 20 to 30 minutes of mindfulness in the morning, and she does it deliberately before checking email or touching technology. 

You may also find that by limiting screen time throughout the day, you’re able to take back a few minutes more each day to apply to something else that is meaningful to you.  

2. Move Your Body 
Many find early morning the perfect time for fitness, like Oprah, who revealed that she does 20 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes walking on the treadmill daily. 

Not a morning person? That’s okay according to Impact coach Katie Sandler. “If going for a three-mile run the second you open your eyes sounds like torture, maybe a gentle morning stretch routine in your PJs would be up your alley.  Here are some tips to help you cultivate the perfect morning routine for you. Read 12 Smart and Easy Morning Habits to Jump Start Your Day

3. Find Time for Self-Care
Make sure you are taking care of yourself! Carve out some time each day to get outside if possible (weather permitting), take a walk around the block or just find ways to work in some extra pampering for yourself.

Whether it's enjoying a cup of coffee in a quiet space before you start your work day or listening to a favorite podcast while getting ready — find something that brings joy into your life each day! 

4. Make Time for Learning New Skills
The most successful people know that they make their own luck. They set goals that they know they can accomplish—and they’re able to adjust to changes in the marketplace. These are three of Forbes’ 14 Things Every Successful Person Has in Common. And one way to demonstrate all three is to keep up to date on your skills.   

Dedicate some time each day to learn something new or brush up on an existing skill. This could be anything from reading industry news or taking an online course - it's all about challenging yourself and sharpening existing skills or gaining new ones! 

According to the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs report 2020, employers, on average, expect to offer reskilling and upskilling to just over 70% of their employees by 2025. However, employee engagement into those courses is lagging, with only 42% of employees taking up employer-supported opportunities. Make sure you’re in that 42% -- This is a golden opportunity for you to prioritize investing in yourself while also showing off your initiative at work.   

At Manpower, we provide hundreds of no-cost upskilling opportunities for our active Associates. When you nail down your new daily routine, you're committing to focus on the things that matter to you and enable your success. You got this!