Register for our Talent Attraction & Retention Strategies Webinar June 14th at 12pm

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30 May 2023 by Paul Howard

Register for our Talent Attraction & Retention Strategies Webinar

June 14th at 12pm

In our latest of our insightful HR webinars we will be exploring the key trends impacting talent attraction in a talent shortage labour market and how to keep key staff and reduce attrition rates in the business.81% of companies in Ireland are experiencing difficulties recruiting talent in the current market and competition is fierce in attraction and retaining talent.

We are delighted to be joined by one of our HR partner companies Indeed as a guest speaker for the event where they will be providing key insights from their perspective on how talent attraction trends and proactive hiring strategies need to be carefully though out in order to be effective. Innovate & Implement.

Register for The Talent Attraction & Retention Webinar June 14th

Key Webinar Takeaways from this Event will Include:

  • Talent shortages in the market and how this is effecting recruiting

  • The importance of Employee Value Proposition

  • The different between Job Advertisements & Job Specs

  • How to compete in areas other than salary

  • Learn what workers want and work that into talent attraction

  • Strategies currently being implemented and how to be innovative in your approach

  • The best ways to retain talent post acquisition - reduce attrition rates

  • Tips to implement in your recruitment strategies from our experiences at ManpowerGroup & Indeed

  • Q& A where we can answer any questions you have

This is a free webinar and suitable for HR Professionals, Senior Management and Business Executives.

Registrations is required and places are limited to 4 attendees per company.

Book your place today and you are welcome to invite a colleague who might like to attend.

Register for The Talent Attraction & Retention Webinar June 14th